Lipo C Askor Junior liquid for children, with sweetener from stevia plant, 110 ml
Detailed product description
Packaging content: 110 ml
Dosage: Unless otherwise stated, children from 3 to 6 years of age may be given a measuring cup filled to the mark 1-2 ml (50-100 mg of vitamin C) 1-2 times a day. Children from the age of 6 can be given the measuring cup filled to the mark 2-4 ml (100-200 mg of vitamin C) 1-2 times a day.
Ingredients: RosaCelip-LD® contains 50 mg of vitamin C (62.5% RDI) in one dose (1 ml), citrus bioflavonoids, rosehip fruit extract, fatty acids and apple juice concentrate. Exact composition - see packaging.
Note: In the Czech Republic, the following preventive daily doses for children and adolescents are recommended as part of deficit prevention: 0–4 months: 50 mg, 4–12 months: 55 mg, 1–4 years: 60 mg, 4–7 years: 70 mg, 7–10 years: 80 mg, 10–13 years: 90 mg, from 13 years 100 mg.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
A food supplement does not replace a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of sight and reach of children!
Preparation contains vitamin C with liposomal delivery (LD), bioflavonoids from citrus fruits, rosehip fruit extract and fatty substances from plant sources. It is the result of a combination of traditional knowledge and modern technology developed by American and Czech experts, and the composition was formulated under the name RosaCelip-LD®. Please read the following text carefully because it contains important information about LIPO C ASKOR food supplements. Further information can be found at www.inpharm.cz and www.lipocaskor.cz.
About liposomal technology
Liposomal technology is one of breakthrough technologies used in pharmacy and food industry, by means of which important active substances can be delivered in sufficient quantities directly to relevant organs, which increases their bioavailability. This technology allows a gradual release and a targeted transport in the body, and so it ensures excellent absorption of active substance from the digestive tract into the blood.
Liposomal absorption is nothing unknown even in nature: for example, in breast milk, nutrients are protected by fatty substances (phospholipids) so that the infant's body can absorb and utilize them as best as possible.
Liposomal absorption is nothing unknown even in nature: for example, in breast milk, nutrients are protected by fatty substances (phospholipids) so that the infant's body can absorb and utilize them as best as possible.
In the case of RosaCelip-LD®, liposomal absorption is essential for vitamin C in terms of its protection during distribution through the stomach into the intestines as well as its bioavailability for immune, nerve and other cells. Liposomal absorption from the gut into the blood is not restricted by intestinal transporters (as is the case with conventional oral forms, including sustained-release forms, without liposomal absorption). RosaCelip-LD® thus maintains several times higher levels of vitamin C, and in an available for the body form, than conventional vitamin C, which accommodates the needs of antioxidative protection of healthy cells and those of the immune and nervous systems. Thanks to effective and gradual absorption into the body, it is also gentle on the kidneys and digestive system.
RosaCelip-LD® improves otherwise problematic absorption of vitamin C several times
The body is only able to absorb vitamin C from the gut into the blood plasma to a limited extent, so that an excess amount that cannot be absorbed after oral ingestion is excreted in the faeces within a few hours. Research shows that after a single ingestion of, for example, 1,000 mg of conventional vitamin C, up to 80% of this amount is excreted without the organism being able to utilize it, for example, at the level of the immune or nervous system. In addition, unabsorbed vitamin C remains in the gut and irritates the stomach, causes diarrhoea and may turn into oxalate, which is excreted by the kidneys, with oxalate (not vitamin C) increasing the risk of kidney stones. As shown by pharmacokinetic studies, liposomal absorption of vitamin C in RosaCelip-LD® is not limited by intestinal transporters, and therefore there is no risk of accumulation of vitamin C in the intestine, hence no significant conversion to oxalate with subsequent formation of kidney stones.
Why is it important for our body to have an adequate supply of vitamin C?
Vitamin C is an essential physiologically active substance for our body, which the human body is not able to synthesize, and therefore we rely on its daily supplementation. Vitamin C is needed for antioxidant protection of the body against oxidative stress, to ensure the functioning of the immune and nervous system, to reduce the degree of fatigue and exhaustion, to produce collagen, which is important for tissue strength (blood vessels, cartilage, bones, skin, hair, etc.). Without vitamin C, the basic cells of the immune system (leukocytes) would not function as phagocytes eliminating all foreign substances (viruses, bacteria, etc.) in the body. And the lymphocyte part of the defence mechanisms acting, for example, against tumour cells would not work. High concentrations of vitamin C are also maintained in nerve cells, namely in the brain, and the effect of vitamin C on the functioning of the nervous system, including a positive effect on IQ in school children, has been proven. Studies have shown that the incidence of the disease is associated with reduced levels of vitamin C, which often does not manifest itself in any way, but leads to the development of oxidative stress, the undesirable excess of which damages healthy cells or tissues, leading to chronic inflammatory and allergic reactions. Allergic diseases have been shown to be often accompanied by vitamin C deficiency, with vitamin C (in higher doses and a liposomal form that ensures sufficient bioavailability), due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, can help reduce the severity of symptoms and exacerbation of allergic diseases. It has also been shown that ensuring a sufficiently high level of vitamin C in the blood plasma leads to the maintenance or restoration of physiological functions, which is essential for antioxidant protection and normal functioning of healthy immune, nervous, liver, intestinal, muscular and other cells. It has only recently been discovered that vitamin C surprisingly plays a crucial role in gene assignment so that embryonic development proceeds normally, i.e. physiologically. Hence the importance of adequate vitamin C intake during pregnancy. Its deficiency can lead to developmental disorders (mainly affecting the brain, spinal cord and spine) and an increased risk of premature birth. Thanks to this so-called epigenetic role, vitamin C influences development and health throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood. As some studies have shown, in cancer, vitamin C deficiency suppresses active DNA demethylation in the cell, which may be one of the triggers for carcinogenesis. Decreased vitamin C levels lead to epigenetic changes that can result, for example, in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. There are studies that show that normal physiological levels of vitamin C are one of the factors that work against the development of this disease. It should be added that most animals produce vitamin C in the liver from glucose in an amount that corresponds to many times the daily dose recommended for a child and an adult.
Vitamin C and citrus bioflavonoids and rosehip fruit extract have a synergistic effect on the body
It is advisable to add bioflavonoids from citrus fruits to the combination with liposomal vitamin C. According to current knowledge, the ingredients include, for example, citrine, quercetin and rutin. These ingredients have a number of supportive effects on vitamin C, especially at the level of its antioxidative protection and strengthening of normal immunity against respiratory infections. In addition, for example, they reduce incidence of cold sores, strengthen weak venous walls, and are therefore often used in haemorrhoids, varicose veins, bleeding gums, etc. In the case of rosehip fruit extract, the ingredients include vitamin A, E, K, group-B vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine. Among minerals, there is calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese. Ingredients contained in rosehip fruit have a number of supportive effects on vitamin C. Above all, it is an area of support for the normal function of immunity (in addition to vitamin C, also zinc, vitamin A and pyridoxine play a role here). The contents of flavonoids, inorganic acids that prevent oxidation of vitamin C, keeping it in active form and thus increasing its stability, is important. Other polyphenols (catechin, quercetin) and carotenoids (e.g. lycopene, zeazanthin, lutein) contribute to a synergistic protective antioxidant effect. Carotenoids, such as lycopene, which additionally plays an important role in the cardiovascular field, represent an important antioxidant component as well. In this context, studies have shown that rosehip extract supports the normal function of the circulatory system (e.g. by contributing to normal levels of sugar and adipose tissue-forming triglycerides); rosehip fruit can also act as a growth factor for pancreatic beta-cells. As research has shown, the multifaceted beneficial effects of rosehip fruit are not limited to individual substances only but are the result of a joint synergistic action of a number of components, which lead primarily to enhancement of the body's own defence and overall resilience.
Instructions for use Uro-C-Kontrol, test strips
Intended use:
In vitro test strips of the medical device URO C-KONTROL® are used for an approximate determination of ascorbic acid concentration in urine. Result of the test is evaluated by a doctor.
1 test strip with chelating agent, polyvalent metal ion and colour indicator.
Mechanism of action: The test provides indicative information on possible deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body and its extent. The method is based on the action of a complex chelating agent with a polyvalent metal ion and a colour indicator, which reacts in proportion to the concentration of ascorbic acid by changing the colour shade. The test strips consist of a plastic carrier on which one indication zone is mounted.
Packaging: The pack contains 4 test strips in a primary protective package (bag) and the enclosed instructions for use.
Storage: Store the product in the original protective packaging at temperatures from 15 ° C to 30 ° C. Protect from frost, moisture and heat. Do not store the product in a refrigerator or near heaters. Also protect it from direct sunlight to prevent the colour reference scale on the packaging from fading.
Notice: One test strip is for single use only. Repeated use of the strip is excluded. For the correct function of the product, it is necessary to strictly follow the storage conditions, the urine sampling procedure and the test procedure, and to avoid any touching the strip at the test zone. Once opened, use within 90 days. Do not use after the expiry date which is stated on the packaging and if the packaging is damaged.
Urine collection procedure: Collect urine in a dry and clean collection container. Do not centrifuge urine. Mix the sample well before testing. Urine analysis must be performed immediately. Urine samples must always be obtained and maintained under hygienic conditions.
To perform the test: Remove the strip from the package right before use. Do not touch the reagent zone of the strips with your hands. Place the strip vertically in the urine to be examined for 1-2 seconds so that the zone is wetted with urine. The reagent zone of the strip can also be adjusted to the middle stream of urine. Wipe the strip with the edge of the collection container to remove excess urine. Place the strip on a horizontal, clean, dry and absorbent surface. After 30 seconds, evaluate the colour of the reagent zone by comparison with the colour scale on the package. Artificial lighting can distort the examination. One test strip cannot be used repeatedly.
Result and its interpretation: A scale is placed on the package, with which the colour of the strip is compared half a minute after it has been soaked in fresh urine. Vitamin C levels of 1, 10, 20, 50 and 100 mg / dl are indicated on the scale. The ideal value for vitamin C is 100 mg / dl. It is marked in yellow on the scale. This indicates that the body's physiological requirements for antioxidant capacity and biochemical reactions (e.g. at the level of the immune, nervous, cardiovascular systems), into which ascorbic acid enters, are saturated. In the case of vitamin C deficiency, which is indicated by the values of green colour, it is advisable to increase the daily intake of vitamin C.
Limitations and possible errors: The daily urinary output of ascorbic acid depends on physiological requirements of the organism for the protective antioxidant capacity and biochemical reactions in which ascorbic acid enters, and these requirements must be matched by its daily intake. If the urine is too dilute, the sample may not contain enough ascorbic acid. For this reason, it is desirable to collect and test the first morning urine, where the concentration of individual components is usually the highest and stable. The effect of drugs or their metabolites on ascorbic acid content has not been fully elucidated yet. The sensitivity of the test may be affected during the day by variability in urine composition. As with all diagnostic tests, the definitive diagnosis should not be made based on a single test only, it should be determined exclusively by a physician after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated.
Health protection: The product does not contain toxic substances. Principles of personal hygiene must be observed while performing the test.
Disposal: Pour the examined urine into a toilet bowl and rinse. Dispose of empty packaging and used strip in municipal waste.
Performance characteristics: Available from the manufacturer on request
Once opened, use within 90 days.
State Institute for Drug Control (SÚKL) Notification: Registration No 00753117
Manufacturer of Uro C Kontrol: inPHARM CLINIC s.r.o., V Lipkách 647, Prague 5 - Slivenec, 154 00, Tel.: 241 416 990; www.inpharmclinic.cz.